Circuit Book Pages
The Wilkinsburg Stamp Club's Circuit Book pages provides club members with the ability to create circuit books which can be circulated amongst stamp clubs around the United States. You can set any selling price you want, but most are 1/4 to 1/3 catalog value. It is usually best to put the stamps in order according to the Scott Catalogs. This includes serparating air mail, revenue, and semi-postals.Some collectors will not spend the time looking at the stamps if they have to go back and forth in their albums to see if they need them. Some things to remember are:
    • Maximum number of pages: 25
    • Minimum catalog value: $ 50
    • Maximum catalog value: $ 250
    • Let Danielle know which Scott catalog you used for the stamp value and enter the value on the VAL. line
    • Enter your selling price on the NET line
    • Enter the Scott catalog number on the CAT# line
    • Use the appropriate pages for the stamp sizes
Once you have created the circuit book pages, Danielle will fill out the cover page and insert the pages into a suitable folder.
Download the printable PDF pages as a PDF
Circuit Book Buy Lists
Circuit Books provide club members with the ability to purchase individual stamps at prices typically from 1/4 to 1/3 of the Scotts catalog value. Some things to remember are:
    • After printing, cut the form into three separate lists
    • Put your name to the right of the NAME block
    • Put the circuit number under the NAME block
    • Put the circuit book number under the book # block for each book you are purchasing stamps from
    • Use a separate book # column for each circuit book you are purchasing stamps from
    • When removing a stamp for purchase from a circuit book, be sure to put your initials or member number in the empty space where you removed the stamp from
    • Put the number of stamps removed / and the total net value to the right of the page number under the correct book #
    • Total the number of stamps removed / and the total net value at the bottom of each book # column
When you have completed the circuit book buy lists for the circuit books you are examining, please submit them with payment to Danielle when you return the circuit books.
Download a printable PDF page of 3 circuit book buy lists as a PDF